November 5, 2020

How To Clean Built-In Office Coffee Maker

3 Minute Read

Does your coffee at work taste a bit bitter lately? It may be because your coffee maker is dirty. Why not give that built-in coffee maker machine a cleaning? Nobody wants to sit in a chair while sipping a steaming hot mug of sour, chunky, or burnt coffee. Do you want to learn how to clean your office coffee maker? Follow these quick and easy methods.

Differentiate the coffee makers you have around the office

To learn how to clean built-in coffee makers, you should know the different types of coffee makers for starters. You can easily clean your coffee maker with the appropriate methods.

Your coffee maker might be one of the following:

  • Cold Brew Office Coffee Maker
  • Drip Coffee Maker
  • Stovetop Percolator

Steps on how to clean the built-in coffee maker in the office

You might be wondering how you can clean a built-in coffee maker. There are different steps to do this, depending on what type of coffee maker you have. Here is a guide on cleaning your built-in coffee maker in the office.

Prepare the following things to clean your built-in coffee maker.

  • Chemex coffee maker brush, if unavailable, you can use a bottle brush or dish brush.
  • Damp cloth
  • Dish soap
  • Paper coffee filters
  • Small grout brush, optional
  • Water
  • White vinegar


Step 1: Wipe the chamber using a damp cloth to remove the dust, loose grounds, and other debris lurking inside. If you notice grime around the corners, use a brush to scrub it out and a small grout brush for tighter spaces.

Step 2:  Fill the coffee maker’s water chamber halfway with white vinegar and fill the rest with water.

Step 3: Put the paper filter in the basket to catch the hard water deposits and other debris that may be loosened.

Step 4: Brew half of the water or the vinegar mixture. After that, don’t forget to turn off your coffee maker. Leave the vinegar mixture to soak in the coffee maker for around half an hour. For better results, leave for an entire hour.

Step 5: After you soak the vinegar mixture for an hour, turn on your coffee maker and allow it to finish brewing the vinegar and water mixture.

Step 6: The second to the last step is to change the paper filter. You should also refill the water chamber and let the full cycle run to rinse the coffee maker’s system. Then, rinse it twice to eliminate the remaining vinegar scent or taste.

Step 7: Thoroughly scrub the inside of the carafe using warm water and some dish soap. Use a sponge or dishcloth if you see any markings outside the carafe. Remove the dust and oils outside the coffee maker. Use a clean fabric damp cloth to wipe down the outside of the coffee maker.

Please note that the steps mentioned above can be used on almost all coffee maker types, although it is more relevant to built-in coffee makers. When using a built-in coffee maker, use filtered water when brewing your coffee, especially if you have a problem with calcium deposits. You should clean your built-in coffee maker at least once a month or more frequently if it is heavily used around the office.


A clean office coffee maker produces a better-tasting brew and offers security for employees. After cleaning the coffee maker, clean all your tools, such as grinders, brushes, and sponges, to use again. As much as possible, rinse them with hot water and dry them using a towel to remove water stains. Keeping your built-in coffee maker and all the tools clean ensures your employees have the best coffee for optimum productivity.

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